It's not a bad thing, for what Mihara Yasuhiro does is wearable art, deserving of men who are born with great imaginations and a superhuman sense of style, much like the designer's.
What I really admire most about this designer is that despite my different view on fashion and personal style, is his ability to capture attention without any grotesque reactions in return. For some reason, I find myself lusting over his unreachable and unkempt elegance, even when I'm not into this kind of style.Since his Little Prince inspired Spring 2010 collection, I had considered myself a huge fan of his vision and talent.
Spring 2011 with Miharayasuhiro is a journey through nature's progress, as Tim Blanks mentioned in his review, and how man's relationship with it has changed. Of course, the narrative coincides with the heavy-detailed looks of the collection.
Without the trappings of prior reviews, it strikes viewers as a uniform of young boys out on hiking trips or camping expeditions with little guarantee of return to their urban homes. A tired, degrading and beat-up t-shirt came bedecked with metal pieces such as locks, keys and miniature screw drivers to name a few. A navy blue sweater with white stripes running across its chest also went with tattered jeans with blotches of lighter blue against its grey black mass. A hybrid---among other hybrid items---of a puffer vest, hoodie and poncho was one of the most interesting looks in the collection. It covered up a handsome, subtly plaid shirt, patched jeans rolled high to show a shocking yellow on top of chunky brown boots. An all khaki look that composed of another hybrid of an item (fatigue jacket meets poncho) had incredible layering but still looked impeccably chic. A long coat that featured a print of the sun peeking through standing trees in a forest was followed by a similar piece of a jacket, featuring a calming sunset across a sea: these designs were apparently woven by Yasuhiro, using a technique he invented (according to Tim Blank). And then came looks of dressier feel, dinner jackets worn over well-worn t-shirts, loose trousers and varying shoes of mega duty.
It's the story behind it that fuels such a visual feast that it is important to keep in mind that designers, to an extent are heroic story tellers. Like Mihara Yasuhiro, his tales are ones worthy of recognition. What eyes see in this collection might vary, depending on who views it, but what's certain is that this collection has achieved what most designers of this season failed to do: establish a vision.
The collection came down to painful attention to detail and ignited in every single viewer (even those whose styles never match that of Yasuhiro's) well deserved applause. Doing a review for a Miharayasuhiro collection is an attempt to pen a slice from a master's genius...It is impossible to capture into words what his vision is and at the end of the day, we all just ought to ztop talking, writing and simply appreciate what pure talent, skill and creativity he has. Mihara Yasuhiro is of a divine, almost superhuman level. Bravo.
credit goes to Tim Blanks of Style.com for a perfect review, inspiring mine.
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