For the short attention-spanned kind, this collection might bore you to bits.
But for those who are avid fans of Dior Homme's Kris Van Assche (the designer), this collection spells more than just all black chic...
Take a good look at those boots. At GQ they call it the paratrooper boots, all black, leather and buckled to perfection. And the fun doesn't end there...
What's to love about Kris Van Assche's unfussy, no-brainer Fall 2010 collection are the undeniably classic pieces: an ultra cool baseball jacket, tailored jackets and handsome basics. They may appeal as too NOW, but once you think about it, those long black jackets would always keep you warm for a hundred of winters and falls to come.
At first I felt like skipping the collection, because it didn't have much color or anything new to give, but as the clothes kept appearing, Van Assche's subtle black-on-black/neutral-on-neutral look made for one smart collection. Men don't really need it fussy or frilly. Men shouldn't look too uptight or awfully too "fashionable" to look good.
And this collection's prescription is that a man ought to look like he doesn't care, but is technically and honestly aware of the impact of his sartorial choices. For example, tucking in slouchy grey trousers in leather paratrooper boots and making it look presentable---to say the least, is proof of painful attention to detail.
The sober and subtly active mood of Van Assche's Fall 2010 collection reminded me of his Dior Homme victory for Spring 2010 and for me, sometimes sticking to what works and what the times call for is better than twisting one's mind to create a flop of a collection.
source: GQ
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